mPLUS and Siemens sign MOU for cooperation in battery industry

mPLUS Corp., South Koreathe secondary battery manufacturing process machine manufacturer, on August 10 signed an MoU with Digital Industries (DI) at Siemens Korea (Siemens Ltd. Seoul · SLS) for collaboration in the battery industry.

Mr. Rainer Brehm, CEO of Siemens DI FA (Digital industries Factory automation), visited mPLUS head office in July to meet with Mr. Jongsung Kim, the CEO of mPLUS, and the management team. They mutually agreed on the higher-level technical cooperations in the battery industry.

The MoU was signed by Jongsung Kim, the CEO of mPLUS, and Thomas Schmid, Head of Digital Industries of Siemens Korea.

The signed MOU states that joint collaborations are to grow together with integrating core competences of both companies, such as mPLUS’s world-class proven technologies in building battery manufacturing process machines and Siemens’s state of the art technologies for future automation like digital twin and industry 4.0, in which Siemens plays a key role.

From these collaborations, mPLUS expects to expand its market presences globally and Siemens seize its concrete position in battery industry as the best factory automation solution partner

A representative from mPLUS said, “This MOU shows that the global leading company had recognized mPLUS’s global technological competences.”, “It has significant meaning to create synergy through a technological and strategic partnership which are covered by specialized expertise in each field of both companies.” And added,  “In particular, it will be an advanced collaboration for complete automation of equipment and production plants, not only hardware cooperation. Through this, we will be able to provide high-level product development and service to global customers.”

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