Fisker partners with Ample to deliver Fisker Ocean EVs with swappable batteries by the start of 2024

Fisker and Ample, a provider of energy management and module battery swapping, are partnering to deliver Ample-powered Fisker EVs. This partnership is important to Fisker’s long-term strategy to increase scale and adoption of its EVs in the United States and Europe.

The initial target customer for Fisker’s Ample-powered EVs will be fleet operators who are looking to transition to electric mobility without economic or operational compromises. Ample’s technology makes it possible to deploy EV infrastructure rapidly so that Fisker can make its vehicles available to larger markets on a faster timetable. Fisker and Ample will share revenue related to the battery swapping mechanism.

Battery swapping offers drivers energy delivered as quick as gasoline and at a lower per-mile cost. For drivers looking to transition to electric, speed and cost are key and more so for high mileage drivers, such as those in the ride-hailing industry.

Joint development between Ample and Fisker is already underway, with the goal of providing battery swappable Fisker Ocean vehicles by Q1 2024.

An Ample EV battery is made out of battery modules that can accommodate any make, design, model or driving profile. Using a combination of computer vision and secure wireless communication with the vehicle, the Ample station can identify the exact location of each battery module to be swapped. Once discharged battery modules are removed from the car, they are placed on shelves so that they can be charged and ready for the next vehicle.

In February, Ample received a nearly $15-million grant from the California Energy Commission to support the expansion and operation of Ample’s first automated battery module production facility in Brisbane, California where it will produce swappable battery packs for roughly 14,400 vehicles annually.

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