Drive System Design expands electrified powertrain test facilities

Drive System Design expands electrified powertrain test facilities

Leading electrified powertrain engineering consultancy, Drive System Design Ltd. (DSD), Leamington Spa (UK) and Detroit (USA), has announced a strategic expansion of its test facilities, adding two further test cells for high-performance hybrid axles and e-machines. The move reflects a growing demand for outsourced test capacity suitable for electrified powertrains, as the industry prioritises its development in response to global emissions concerns.

The first of the new facilities can deliver input torque up to 2,500Nm at 2,100rpm, 525kW at 7,000rpm, and 350kW 1,100V of battery emulation, with the second for e-machines up to 350kW and 25,000rpm. The new cells complement existing DSD facilities, which include a 450kW highly transient ETPS machine (Engine Torque Pulse Simulator) and three battery emulators.

“The recent Covid-19 pandemic has put an ever-bigger spotlight on our environment and recent government announcements on ICE restrictions is resulting in a faster shift to electrified vehicles than first anticipated,” explains David Kelly, Director, Drive System Design. “There is a significant increase in demand globally, not only for design and development work but also for outsourced testing. The additional facilities will extend our ability to provide this for a wide range of hybrid and electric powertrains.”

According to Kelly, even the largest, established vehicle manufacturers are struggling to accommodate the upsurge in test requirements using solely in-house facilities, and the situation is likely to become even more acute in future. “We are in the middle of a sea change in the industry, as the major players allocate more of their manufacturing to electrified vehicles,” he says. “Companies like DSD can provide vital additional resource to help satisfy short-term peaks in testing demand as this change in policy takes effect.”

DSD is continually developing its automation capabilities within the facility to help speed up testing. This has proven particularly effective in the case of hot and cold environment testing. According to Kelly, tests that previously took six weeks to complete can be finished in half the time with suitably configured automatic control.

DSD intends to have the new test cells operational in December this year.

About DSD
Drive System Design (DSD) is an award winning electrified powertrain engineering consultancy specialising in the engineering, development, test and control of electrified and conventional driveline systems.

The company’s staff have experience working with vehicle manufacturers and Tier 1s around the world, designing new technologies and solving problems to make their products more competitive. They have the engineering, test, analysis and project management skills necessary to deliver projects to demanding timescales. Working closely with its customers through technical centres in Europe and North America, DSD is recognized as a world leading expert in driveline refinement, efficiency improvement and hybrid and electric vehicle transmissions. DSD is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.

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